Saturday, April 2, 2016

Entry Five

     Although my blog postings haven't been as consistent as I would like them to be (so much has been going on in the recent weeks), I managed to finish filming today for the story I finalized Wednesday last week. I decided to cast close friends as the actors I previously created for my leading roles. The genre ended up being a coming of age drama with suspense undertones. I will edit a behind the scenes video tomorrow and post it to show the consistent errors we had due to none of the actors having any sort of experience. There were only two setting and thankfully they both had good lighting. I chose my friend's apartment and a truck loading station behind a building to film and both of them fit the aesthetic I was visualizing the best I could with no budget. I was lucky enough to get a DSLR and a tripod so I was able to mess with focus pulls and get steady shots. I only wanted hand held in the final scene of my film opening (a fight scene) so making sure the shots in the first scene (apartment scene) are as steady as possible to make the handheld stand out was crucial. Because of the acquisition of a tripod (thank you Luis), I got the desired effect. I'm aware I haven't spoken much about the plot and I would go in depth right now about it but today was exhausting but I felt it necessary to include a little update as to where my process is right now.

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